Dwarf galaxies

美 [dwɔːrf ˈgæləksiz]英 [dwɔːf ˈgæləksiz]
  • 网络矮星系
Dwarf galaxiesDwarf galaxies
  1. A third inconsistency has to do with the number of dwarf galaxies .


  2. Quasars or dwarf galaxies would scatter the elements more unevenly .


  3. The bright , distorted object at middle , left , is actually two colliding dwarf galaxies .


  4. The feedback effect of supernova explosions on dwarf galaxies in the cold dark matter dominated universe is studied .


  5. Such encounters between dwarf galaxies are normally seen billions of light-years away and therefore occurred billions of years ago .


  6. From this reserve , you can see a duo of dwarf galaxies called the Magellanic clouds .


  7. White dwarfs provide an important beginning for understanding the material in this chapter . A third inconsistency has to do with the number of dwarf galaxies .


  8. But in this latest study , researchers used data collected by a powerful camera aboard the Hubble Space Telescope . With this instrument , they could eyeball smaller , dwarf galaxies .


  9. The disadvantage : the stars in dwarf galaxies don 't move in tidy circular orbits , traveling in the same direction the way stars in spiral galaxies do .


  10. These are the double radio sources , galaxies with huge clouds of radio emission that dwarf the visible galaxies , sometimes by a factor of a hundred or more .


  11. He dwarf population of starburst galaxies is analyzed by the Evolving Population Synthesis Method .


  12. Number Counts of Faint Blue Galaxies and the Dwarf Population of Starburst Galaxies
